How to Clean Your Electric Kettle

Here are the simple ways on how to keep your kettle in a good shape and avoid any bacteria.

Electric kettles are one of the objects that most people highly depend on. Almost every individual considers their kettle as one of the most essential objects that they use daily. It is convenient, fast and strongly needed in every house. Due to its major importance, it’s crucial to clean it consistently to keep it in good shape and avoid any bacteria.

How Often to Clean Your Electric Kettle

How Often to Clean Your Electric Kettle

How often you need to clean your kettle depends on how often you use it. In case you use your kettle daily, you should wipe the exterior to remove splatters at least once a week. If your kettle has a water filter or cartridge, you should clean it every other month. Last but not least, the kettle should be descaled to remove hard water minerals at least four times a year.

Materials Needed to Clean the Kettle

  • Microfiber cloth
  • Non-abrasive sponge or bottle brush
  • Distilled white vinegar, lemon juice or citric acid powder
  • Baking soda
  • Dishwashing liquid


1. Descale the Kettle With Vinegar/ Lemon Juice or Citric Acid Powder

You can fill your kettle with a 1:1 solution of water and distilled white vinegar, a 1:1 solution of lemon juice and water, or 2 tablespoons of citric acid powder in a half-full kettle of water. Whatever solution is more suitable for you, let it boil then turn off your kettle. Allow the solution to sit for at least 20 minutes.

2. Unplug and Disassemble the Kettle

Unplug the cooled kettle. Remove the water filter, if your kettle has one, before cleaning the interior of the kettle.

3. Clean or Replace the Water Filter 

If your kettle has a water filter, clean the removed filter following the manufacturer’s directions. If the filter is metal, clean it by soaking in a solution of hot water and distilled white vinegar for at least five minutes. Scrub with the bottle brush then rinse with fresh water.

4. Scrub the Inside of the Kettle

Use a non-abrasive sponge or soft-bristled bottle brush to scrub the kettle’s interior to get rid of any mineral build-up that is inside. Pay attention specifically to areas around the spout where mineral build-up can be heavy.

5. Clean the Exterior of the Kettle

Wipe down the kettle’s exterior using a non-abrasive sponge dipped in a solution of warm water and a few drops of dishwashing liquid. If there are any spots that are hard to remove, dip the damp sponge in dry baking soda to make it easier. Once the exterior is clean, wipe your kettle dry with a microfiber cloth.

6.    Reassemble the Kettle and Do Final Rinses

Finally, reassemble any components and fill half of the kettle with water for a final rinse. Plug it in, boil the water then discard it.

Lastly, make sure to always keep your kettle clean and safe to use. Not only it is safer and healthier for you, but also not cleaning it will affect its performance and will eventually shorten its lifespan. This cleaning method is suitable for all electric kettles like Black & Decker Stainless Steel Electric Kettle, Tornado Electric Kettle and  Kenwood Electric Kettle